Download Toast 9 For Mac

  • Read this first - General warning about crypto-currency and XRP:
  • Crypto-currency is a financial instrument. It requires the careful considered forethought of any financial transaction. Read carefully, read everything on the screen, learn about crypto-currency before you use it, learn how XRP works and how it's different to other crypto-currencies before you use it, think before you leap, and always use small amounts to test before using large amounts, and always exercise general caution!
  • I keep getting an error while sending, but I have enough in my account and I've left a 20 XRP reserve
  • Check the address you are sending to has been activated. Use Bithomp XRP ledger explorer to look up the address you are sending to. If the tool says account not found then the address hasn't been activated yet. To activate the address send 20 XRP or more to it. Sending an amount less than 20 XRP to a not-yet-activated address results in a failed payment. The network also takes a fee for these failed payments.
  • I bought on exchange XYZ and it hasn't shown up in my Toast Wallet yet, what's going on?
  • If it isn't in your Toast Wallet then your exchange hasn't sent it. You can verify this by putting your address in Bithomp XRP ledger explorer — if it says account not found then your address hasn't been activated yet because your exchange hasn't sent anything yet (even if they claim they have!) Talk to them.
  • iPhone/iPad version keeps freezing!
  • Update to iOS 11
  • I read everything and something still doesn't work!
  • Make sure you have the latest version. (Take a backup from the settings menu before you update.)
  • I created a new address in Toast Wallet but it says not activated?
  • You need to send at least 20 XRP to the new address to activate it on the XRP network. If you send less than 20 XRP to your account that payment will bounce and return to the sender. If you sent this from an exchange then this payment will end up in your exchange's hot wallet and you will likely need to contact them to have it credited back to your exchange account.
  • What are the fees for using Toast Wallet?
  • Toast Wallet is free to use and always will be.
  • How do you make money then?
  • We consider Toast Wallet to be an investment in our good name and brand. We intend to provide XRP related services from in the future.
  • How do I know Toast Wallet is safe?
  • Toast Wallet is open source, you can view the full code at
  • That's the code, or so you claim, but how do I know what is actually running on my phone/device?
  • Our phone binaries are built directly from the GitHub repository using Adobe Phonegap's cloud build service, the output of which is here: Our PC binaries are built from the browser version of Toast Wallet using electron-builder. We welcome any third party to decompile/disassemble and inspect any of our binaries.
  • Do you send my XRP secrets/accounts/wallet details to your servers?
  • No data is sent to our servers from Toast Wallet, ever. The only connection to the outside world that Toast Wallet makes is directly to the XRP network.
  • If I lose my passphrase do I lose my wallet?
  • Provided you wrote down your recovery phrase you should be able to get it back.
  • If I lose my phone do I lose my wallet?
  • Provided you made a backup from the settings menu after generating your addresses you'll be able to restore your backup onto another device.
  • How are my XRP secrets stored on my device?
  • They are stored using PouchDB ( ). Specifically the secrets are heavily encrypted ( ) and then stored on your device. Your passphrase is used to generate a cryptographic key for storing your secrets. The PouchDB instance is never synced with any external server.
  • There are only 1000000 possible PIN combinations, won't two people eventually have the same PIN and be able to access each other's XRP?
  • First, the PIN is not used to encrypt your secrets, it is just a privacy guard on the front of the app to stop your friends (whom presumably borrow your phone occasionally) from checking out how much XRP you have. Second, each time a passphrase is set on a Toast Wallet instance it is randomly salted, so even two identical passphrases on two different devices will produce two different keys. Finally Toast Wallet does not deterministically generate XRP secrets, so no this could never happen.
  • I sent some XRP to a Toast Wallet account and now I can't get the last 20XRP out of Toast Wallet, is this a fee you charge?
  • We do not charge any fees. Toast Wallet is completely free to use and always will be. The 20 XRP reserve is a feature of the XRP network. One day XRP validators will lower the reserve requirement and free up these funds but for now they are locked. For more information please read: XRP Reserves
  • I'm trying to send to an address/exchange but it keeps telling me I have insufficient funds
  • You need to leave a 20 XRP reserve in your Toast Wallet account plus 5 XRP for each trust line or other object in your account. This is a XRP network enforced reserve. You also should check that the address you're sending to starts with a lower case 'r' and is 33-34 alpha-numeric characters with no other characters in it such as ? & = . etc.
  • Can I backup my Toast Wallet?
  • Yes use the settings menu.
  • Can I import a backup from a different wallet into Toast Wallet?
  • Yes, if you can obtain the XRP secret from the other wallet you can import it into Toast Wallet using the Add Existing Account feature under + Add Account.
  • Can I export a backup from Toast Wallet into a different wallet?
  • Yes, click the account you wish to export then click Secret. Enter your passphrase and copy the XRP secret for that account. Almost every XRP wallet in existence allows you to import a XRP secret.
  • I've lost my passphrase. How do I recover my wallet using my recovery phrase?
  • Go to change passphrase in the settings menu. Enter your recovery phrase where it says 'current passphrase' then reset your passphrase as normal. If this doesn't work make sure you've updated to the latest version of Toast Wallet. If it still doesn't work try restore your backup on PC or browser version and try your recovery phrase there.
  • I've forgotten my PIN and my passphrase
  • Tap the recovery icon at the top right of the PIN entry. Use your recovery phrase to reset your PIN. Then perform the steps in the question above to recover your passphrase.
  • I've forgotten my PIN and my passphrase and I didn't write down my recovery phrase.
  • Unfortunately since all your data is kept on your device and encrypted using your passphrase and recovery phrase there is no way to recover from losing both phrases. This is why writing down your recovery phrase is important. There's nothing we can do from our end to fix this situtation for you. We don't have access to your data or funds. Please don't contact support asking us to change your passphrase and offering identity documents -- we can't do anything with this information.
  • I imported a backup but an account is missing
  • Toast Wallet backups are data backups. You only backup what exists at the time you create the backup.
  • I sent XRP to an address that isn't in my wallet how do I get it back?
  • Most likely you can't. Make sure you click/tap IMPORT ADDRESS on the generated address screen to actually add a new address to your wallet.
    If your account is not listed on the home screen of your Toast Wallet IT HAS NOT BEEN IMPORTED. Go back and do it properly!
  • But who owns the (randomly generated) address I sent to if I don't?
  • Most likely no one owns it. There are approximately 1.1 x 10^77 possible XRP addresses. That is a 1 with 77 zeros after it. When you generate an address you pick a point at random in this address space. If you do not import the address or save the private key (secret) you will never be able to access it.
  • I sent a large amount of XRP to my Toast Wallet and something went wrong how do I get my money back?
  • We recommend you send a small amount of XRP to begin with... 21 XRP is sufficient to activate your new address and test the wallet. We also recommend that you send 1 XRP back to your exchange from your Toast Wallet to ensure you're happy with the way the wallet operates before using the wallet further. Note to Poloniex users: polo requires you to activate your deposit address with polo before you can deposit XRP into your polo account. This means you will have to send 20+ XRP to your polo deposit address if you want to send XRP back to polo.
  • I sent XRP to my exchange but forgot to add the destination tag! What do I do?
  • First locate the transaction by entering the XRP address you sent from here: Bithomp XRP ledger explorer. Next find the transaction in question. Expand the transaction details and copy the transaction hash at the bottom. Contact your exchange, provide the transaction hash and explained what has happened. They will most likely initiate a refund back to your Toast Wallet address. DO NOT DELETE THE ADDRESS. DO NOT UNINSTALL THE APP.
  • I deleted the Toast Wallet app from my device but I still have the recovery phrase, how do I get my accounts back?
  • You need to have made a backup before you deleted the app, using the settings menu option. Toast Wallet does NOT deterministically generate addresses from the recovery phrase. Some other wallets may operate this way but Toast Wallet does not.
    For absolute clarity: in order to recover a Toast Wallet backup you need: the backup code and either your passphrase OR your recovery code for that wallet.
  • I'm having trouble sending XRP out of the wallet especially on iOS
  • Update to the latest version of Toast Wallet.
  • I'm trying to restore a backup onto another device through the existing backup button on the license agreement screen but the app hangs or takes a long time loading.
  • A few users have had this experience and we are still debugging it. In the meantime you can setup a new wallet on the device (no need to write down the recovery phrase in this case) and then from the settings menu tap 'restore backup' and restore your backup from here instead.
  • I have a jailbroken iPhone or iPad and I opened Toast Wallet and my XRP is gone!
  • We have had reports from jailbroken users that Toast Wallet does not behave normally on their devices. We do not recommend you use Toast Wallet on a jailbroken Apple device. For clarity: if you have Cydia on your phone, your phone is regarded as being jailbroken.
  • My exchange is asking me for a destination tag what do I put?
  • If you are transfering to your own wallet address you can use destination tag 0. Destination tags are used by businesses to differentiate their customers. If you are not sending to a business you can leave destination tag blank or use 0.
  • The USD balance is a bit off in my wallet
  • Toast uses Bitstamp's USD exchange rate for its live balance. If it's different to your favourite exchange it's because not all exchanges have the same rate at all times.
  • I'd like to have Toast run on two devices, can I sync my accounts?
  • Yes simply generate a backup code from your current device (settings -> backup) then restore the backup on your new device by selecting the existing wallet option from the license screen and pasting the backup code into the next screen.
  • I'm trying to use my Recovery Phrase to change my passphrase but it's not working
  • Your recovery phrase is six words long, all lower case no spaces at the start or end, exactly one space between each word. If it's not working it can be because you have extra whitespace. Additionally certain phones can be troublesome when attempting to use recovery phrase; you may need to restore your backup code on PC or browser version first then use recovery phrase to change your passphrase there.
  • I'm trying to send a tiny amount of XRP to a new address and it keeps failing
  • You need to send at least 20 XRP to a new address to activate it. Anything less will bounce and the network will charge you a fee.
  • I printed my backup code and then scanned it back in or typed it in by hand and now it doesn't work
  • Use the tool we've put together here to help you get your backup code working: Backup Checker
  • I'd like to make a paper wallet for a friend, can I do that with Toast Wallet?
  • Yes you can. A paper wallet is just a XRP key-pair: an address and a XRP secret. Create a new address by tapping + Add Account then Generate New Address. Import the address into your Toast Wallet. Ignore the backup prompt. Now find the new address on your home screen, tap it, then tap Secret. Enter the passphrase to reveal the XRP secret. Write this and the address down on paper to give to your friend. When you have written them down you can delete the address from your Toast Wallet using the Delete button. This is now a paper wallet.
  • I'm trying to use my recovery phrase on my phone and I'm sure it's right but it's not working!
  • Some phones may have an internationalized keyboard which can cause your recovery code to be entered incorrectly. Take a backup from the settings menu and restore the backup on the browser or PC version on a computer with a standard US English keyboard layout, then try your recovery phrase here.
  • I sent less than 20 XRP to my not-yet activated account from my exchange now it's gone where is it?
  • This payment will have bounced back to your exchange's hot wallet. You need to talk to them to recover your funds.
  1. Toast For Mac Os
Download toast 9 for mac free

Toast For Mac Os

Toast DVD for PC and Mac. Written by Corel Inc. Category: Utilities Release date: 2021-03-10 Licence: $19.99 Software version: 2.4.4 File size: 177.03 MB Compatibility: Available on Windows 10, Windows 8.1/8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Mac OS 10-11 10.10. Toast 9 Download Mac Free, Cultured Code Things Iso, Stellar Phoenix Mac Data Recovery 6 Keygen Free Download, Linotype FontExplorer X Pro 4 Complete Version.